Astro-Tara Astrological Services and Courses online Thu, 26 Oct 2023 04:36:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Astro-Tara 32 32 Rahu Ketu Transit 2023 – Impact on all Zodiac Sign Wed, 18 Oct 2023 10:30:54 +0000

Rahu and Ketu, the shadow planets which has the ability to enforce changes to human life, is moving to its new abode on 30 th October 2023.

The transit of these planets happen once every 18 months. On 30 th October 2023, Rahu moves from the sign of Aires to Pisces and Ketu from Libra to Virgo sign. They will stay in these signs for the next 18 months.

How does this transit affect your life?

For the native who are also on their favourable Maha Dasa, which is based on the birth time horoscope, will stand to gain maximum in the coming 18 months.

Rahu move from the Aries Sign to Pisces the 12 th house and Ketu moves from Libra to Virgo the 6 th house.

This transit is highly favourable for the natives of Aries Moon sign because they will be free from the

Darkness which had engulfed their Rasi (Aires) for the past 18 months by the occupation of Rahu in Aries.

Aries Rasi natives will feel more cheerful and confident in whatever they do.

Additionally, the positions of Saturn as well as Jupiter are highly conducive for growth and prosperity. By this transit, Jupiter, the planet of wealth, is also free from the clutches of Rahu.

Those who had been burdened with debt will be able to repay the debts comfortably, those who are aspiring for Jobs/Job changes will get more opportunities. The return on investment will be higher for businessmen and can look forward for expansion of business in this coming 18 months. Natives of this Rasi can look forward for good health prospects and their financial condition, in general, will improve . Happy occasions will come up and they will be able to spend well for good cause. Those who are in foreign trade stand to gain. Those who had difference of opinion with their spouses can look for successful reunion in this period

Those who are unmarried, can look forward for a successful married life. For those who have been not able to travel to distant foreign lands so far will find the upcoming time very rewarding. For those, unable to complete their house construction will find that they are able to complete the work.

Overall verdict: A good and favourable transit

Rahu and Ketu, the shadow planets which has the ability to enforce changes to human life, is moving to its new abode on 30 th October 2023.

The transit of these planets happen once every 18 months. On 30 th October 2023, Rahu moves from the sign of Aires to Pisces and Ketu from Libra to Virgo sign. They will stay in these signs for the next 18 months.

For the native who are also on their favourable Maha Dasa, which is based on the birth time Horoscope, will stand to gain maximum in the coming 18 months.

For Taurus Rasi natives, Rahu moves the 11 th house and Ketu moves to the 5 th house.

The next 18 months, the Taurus natives can look forward for a rewarding time. The Position of Rahu in the 11 th house is considered highly favourable and can bestow superior results, more so because the Pisces sign to which Rahu is transiting , belong to Jupiter, the most benevolent planet in theZodiac.

Next year , Jupiter by transit will be on your moon sign which will improve the situation and this will help get the maximum benefits of this Rahu/Ketu Transit

There will be appreciation in work place. Timely completion of projects is possible and dream jobs become a reality. Those in field of entertainment can look forward to a rewarding time.

Loans for good reasons such as educational loan/Housing loans etc will be easily available.

For parents, this Rahu/Ketu transit can give some monitory challenges through their children.

Expenses through them can increase. Therefore planning ahead will help.

Students will fare well and will get into good institutions for higher studies

For those who had difficulties in getting married can look forward to a period of realising their dreams

Partners in business will cooperate well for the betterment of business

Generally, this transit is a beneficial one for Taurus moon sign natives

Rahu and Ketu, the shadow planets which has the ability to enforce changes to human life, is moving
to its new abode on 30 th October 2023.

The transit of these planets happen once every 18 months. On 30 th October 2023, Rahu moves from the sign of Aires to Pisces and Ketu from Libra to Virgo sign. They will stay in these signs for the next 18 months.

For the native who are also on their favourable Maha Dasa, which is based on the birth time Horoscope, will stand to gain maximum in the coming 18 months.

For your Moon Sign, Rahu moves to Pisces the 10 th house and Ketu moves to Virgo the 4 th house.

For the past 3 years all natives born with Gemini Moon sign , especially those born under Ardra star , suffered a lot due to Ashtama Sani ( Saturn Diyya) and from beginning of this year, they are fully released from this Saturn challenge. This is big solace for these natives

With this Rahu/Ketu transit happening on 30th October 2023, Rahu will move to 10th sign of Pisces and Ketu transits to their 4th house ie Virgo..

While Rahu is moving to the a very positive sign of Pisces, Ketu transits into Virgo where Ketu is very comfortable and because of these , generally the ill effects because of the serpentine planets will be very much on the lower notes.

For those who were experiencing financial difficulties will find that their financial position improving, especially in the first half of this transit ie from November 23 to May 2024 .

Though there will be some stress/strain in business, the natives will find very encouraging results thru monitory gains . Job Transfer may be on the cards for the employed, which will bring in positive enhancement to their lives.

Taking appropriate measures for safe guarding the health of parents will reduce anxiety

For Students, this transit will prove very beneficial and they will be able to score high marks and get admitted in their institution of choice.

For those who are in software industry will find the next 18 months very rewarding and satisfying.

For those who were unable to complete construction of their houses so far, will be able to complete the same by next year itself.

For those who had difficulties in getting married , will find more opportunities for marriage .
Overall, this transit will be a welcome change for Gemini Rasi natives

Rahu and Ketu, the shadow planets which has the ability to enforce changes to human life, is moving to its new abode on 30 th October 2023.

The transit of these planets happen once every 18 months. On 30 th October 2023, Rahu moves from the sign of Aires to Pisces and Ketu from Libra to Virgo sign. They will stay in these signs for the next 18 months.

For the native who are also on their favourable Maha Dasa, which is based on the birth time Horoscope, will stand to gain maximum in the coming 18 months.

While Rahu is moving to the a very positive sign of Pisces, Ketu transits into Virgo where Ketu is very comfortable and because of these , generally the ill effects because of the serpentine planets will be very much on the lower notes.

With this Rahu/Ketu transit happening on 30th October 2023, Rahu will move to 9th sign of Pisces and Ketu transits to their 3th house ie Virgo..

Those who are planning to take loan for business reasons may have to pay a higher interest than expected.

Those born in Cancer Moon should take more care while communicating with others, especially with spouse . Natives should take extra Care and not to speak harshly to family members and other.

Taking appropriate measures for safe guarding the health of father will reduce anxiety

Natives will be forced to do a job repeatedly in order to complete the same.

Though with bit of stress and strain ,for those who are experiencing financial crunch will be able to overcome these.

Cancer natives should exercise extreme caution and think multiple time before investing on projects

Business men/traders should optimise their stock positions and travel with caution on the road for expansion.

For those who are employed, a bird in hand is worth than two in the bush. Efforts must be in retaining their job than looking for greener pastures.

Rahu and Ketu, the shadow planets which has the ability to enforce changes to human life, is moving to its new abode on 30 th October 2023.

The transit of these planets happen once every 18 months. On 30 th October 2023, Rahu moves from the sign of Aires to Pisces and Ketu from Libra to Virgo sign. They will stay in these signs for the next 18 months.

For the native who are also on their favourable Maha Dasa, which is based on the birth time Horoscope, will stand to gain maximum in the coming 18 months.

While Rahu is moving to the a very positive sign of Pisces, Ketu transits into Virgo where Ketu is very comfortable and because of these , generally the ill effects because of the serpentine planets will be very much on the lower notes.

With this Rahu/Ketu transit happening on 30th October 2023, Rahu will move to 8th sign of Pisces and Ketu transits to their 2nd house ie Virgo..

Jupiter will be off the clutches of Rahu by this transit and hence regains its power to provide richness to your Moon Sign by its aspect and therefore this transit offer favourable situation to Leo Rasi natives

Those who are preparing for competitive exams will be able to fare better .

Business men will improve their competitiveness as there Moon sign is fortified

Those who are planning to get married should do so immediately after fixation and avoid lengthy courtship.

The second part of this Rahu/Ketu transit ie from May 2024 onwards , the natives of Leo Rasi will find their financial situation looking better and they will be able to recover the money due to them.

In order to avoid family discords, Leo natives should choose words carefully with their spouse as the Ketu in 2nd house can promote abrasive/harsh speech which can lead to issues

Rahu , though in 8th house, but being in Pisces is unlikely to provide less than satisfactory health issue

Purchase of house/ house construction will become a reality by next year

Next year will be a good year for students as they will be able to do well in their studies and become successful in their competitive exams

Those who are looking for Jobs or change of Job can look forward to a rewarding time starting next year

Overall, this transit offers more benefits to the natives of Leo Rasi.

Rahu and Ketu, the shadow planets which has the ability to enforce changes to human life, is movingto its new abode on 30 th October 2023.

The transit of these planets happen once every 18 months. On 30 th October 2023, Rahu moves from the sign of Aires to Pisces and Ketu from Libra to Virgo sign. They will stay in these signs for the next 18 months.

For the native who are also on their favourable Maha Dasa, which is based on the birth time Horoscope, will stand to gain maximum in the coming 18 months.

While Rahu is moving to the a very positive sign of Pisces, Ketu transits into Virgo where Ketu is very comfortable and because of these , generally the ill effects because of the serpentine planets will be very much on the lower notes.

With this Rahu/Ketu transit happening on 30th October 2023, Rahu will move to 7th sign of Pisces and Ketu transits to their Rasi ie Virgo..

The various difficulties, family issues, health related issues in particular ,which were troubling Virgo natives for the past 18 months are things of the past as Ketu which was in 2nd house till now left that sign and is transiting into your Moon Sign from this November onwards. The biggest advantage this Rasi people will have is that the Moon Lagnam will receive the full aspect from Jupiter from the 2nd half of Rahu/Ketu transit which is from May 2024.

Since Virgo is a favourite sign of Ketu and this planet with Jupiter’s aspect will improve your spiritual consciousness. Pilgrimage will be successfully made possible.

Marriages/proposals which were getting postponed so far for various reasons will find its conclusion and possibilities to getting married will emerge from middle of next year onwards

For those who are married and found their marital life less satisfactory, can look forward to a satisfying time ahead

Those who were suffering from illness and bodily discomfort will find the ensuing period offering solace and comforts

The Saturn is already in a good position for you and will bestow an illness free time

Those who are employed can look forward to a transfer with promotion.

Students can look forward to a good period which will enable them to score good marks and make it to the university of choice.

For businessmen, the second half of this transit (from May 2024) will prove more beneficial in terms of consolidation /expansion of business , will be able to recover outstanding etc

Overall, this transit is going to be a rewarding one for Virgo moon sign natives

Rahu and Ketu, the shadow planets which has the ability to enforce changes to human life, is movingto its new abode on 30 th October 2023.

The transit of these planets happen once every 18 months. On 30 th October 2023, Rahu moves from the sign of Aires to Pisces and Ketu from Libra to Virgo sign. They will stay in these signs for thenext 18 months.

For the native who are also on their favourable Maha Dasa, which is based on the birth time Horoscope, will stand to gain maximum in the coming 18 months.

While Rahu is moving to the a very positive sign of Pisces, Ketu transits into Virgo where Ketu is very comfortable and because of these , generally the ill effects because of the serpentine planets will be very much on the lower notes.

With this Rahu/Ketu transit happening on 30th October 2023, Rahu will move to 6th house of Pisces and Ketu transits to their 12th house ie Virgo..

This transit of Rahu /Ketu will definitely result in a period of renewed energy , high self confidence , because the Ketu which was on your Moon sign till now is leaving to the 12th house and Rahu which was on your 7th house is moving to 6th house

One of the best positions of Rahu/Ketu is the 6-12 axis. This transit for the Libra natives will prove highly rewarding for many reasons. Rahu which was making Jupiter weak so far by conjunction in Aries is leaving Jupiter to provide you maximum benefits thru its aspect. Pisces reduces the malefic qualities of Rahu and Virgo is a comfortable place for Ketu.

For those Libra natives who were facing hurdles in marriage will find the opportunities to get married and for the married , having Conceivement issues , will find the coming months rewarding.

Children will make their parents proud through their academic excellence

For those who are in relationships would find that the difference of opinion which had bothered then in the past vanish and bring in memorable moments

Libra natives will find the ensuing period offering financial independence and inflow increase and this will be welcomed by businessmen

For those who are employed, change of job is in the card and possible change of location too. Stress of these change can lead to sleep disturbances, but rest assured that these changes will prove beneficial in the long run.

Overall, compared to all other Rasis, those born in Libra Rasi stand to gain most by this transit

Rahu and Ketu, the shadow planets which has the ability to enforce changes to human life, is movingto its new abode on 30 th October 2023.

The transit of these planets happen once every 18 months. On 30 th October 2023, Rahu moves from the sign of Aires to Pisces and Ketu from Libra to Virgo sign. They will stay in these signs for the next 18 months.

For the native who are also on their favourable Maha Dasa, which is based on the birth time Horoscope, will stand to gain maximum in the coming 18 months.

While Rahu is moving to the a very positive sign of Pisces, Ketu transits into Virgo where Ketu is very comfortable and because of these , generally the ill effects because of the serpentine planets will be very much on the lower notes.

With this Rahu/Ketu transit happening on 30th October 2023, Rahu will move to 5th house of Pisces and Ketu transits to their 11th house ie Virgo..

Scorpio Rasi native who were troubled with illness of various nature and those of you who were burdened with debts can leave sigh of relief because the ensuing transit of Rahu and Ketu will ensure that they are relieved from these and lead a comfortable life ahead. This was because till now Rahu was afflicting Jupiter while they were together in Aries

The benefits of this transit will be predominantly experienced from middle of next year onwards because that is the time when Jupiter’s full and powerful aspect will fall on your moon sign .

Those who are aspiring to go abroad will find it easier . Job related travel will increase and stress because of this is a possibility

Marriage prospects will look bright for those who found the going tough so far.

Encouraging results are waiting for those who are trying for children in the artificial ways

Parents of children will find their children performing better especially from middle of next year onwards

Those who are associated with research work will be able to complete their work.

Scorpio Rasi people who had experienced delay and hurdles in completion of work or not able to meet deadlines for the deliverables will find this transit helping them to complete projects in timely manner

Scorpio Rasi born people should put their mother’s health on priority list

Overall, this transit will bring positive results to people who are born in Scorpio Rasi

Rahu and Ketu, the shadow planets which has the ability to enforce changes to human life, is moving to its new abode on 30 th October 2023.

The transit of these planets happen once every 18 months. On 30th October 2023, Rahu moves from the sign of Aires to Pisces and Ketu from Libra to Virgo sign. They will stay in these signs for the next 18 months.

For the native who are also on their favourable Maha Dasa, which is based on the birth time Horoscope, will stand to gain maximum in the coming 18 months.

While Rahu is moving to the a very positive sign of Pisces, Ketu transits into Virgo where Ketu is very comfortable and because of these , generally the ill effects because of the serpentine planets will be very much on the lower notes.

With this Rahu/Ketu transit happening on 30th October 2023, Rahu will move to 4th house of Pisces and Ketu transits to their 10th house ie Virgo..

Good news for Sagittarius Rasi born people is that their Rasi Lord Jupiter which was afflicted Rahu so far is free to offer the best and powerful aspects to your Rasi . This will surely result in making these people more cheerful and induce more confidence.

The academic outcome of the children which was less than satisfactory till now will change for good in many folds, which will make the Parents happy in this transit period of Rahu and Ketu

The Students who could not get the expected marks in competitive exams will fare well in this upcoming Rahu/Ketu transit enabling them to get into university of choice

The need and occasion to take loans will come and these loans will be well utilised for beneficial matters

Those who are looking for employment will find themselves performing better in interviews and getting the desired jobs

Those who are employed can look forward for promotion and transfer or the possible Job changes will be beneficial.

Difficulties experienced so far for foreign travel will become less difficult and the travel for education/employment will be a certainty in this transit period

Businessmen will be able to improve their business and collect outstanding. They will be able to diversify from middle of next year.

The native should their mother’s health on priority list

Overall, this transit of Rahu/Ketu brings prosperity to Sagittarius Rasi natives especially when they have successfully completed their Sade Sati which was there for them for the past 7 ½ Years.

Rahu and Ketu, the shadow planets which has the ability to enforce changes to human life, is moving to its new abode on 30 th October 2023.

The transit of these planets happen once every 18 months. On 30 th October 2023, Rahu moves from the sign of Aires to Pisces and Ketu from Libra to Virgo sign. They will stay in these signs for the next 18 months.

For the native who are also on their favourable Maha Dasa, which is based on the birth time

Horoscope, will stand to gain maximum in the coming 18 months.

While Rahu is moving to the a very positive sign of Pisces, Ketu transits into Virgo where Ketu is very comfortable and because of these , generally the ill effects because of the serpentine planets will be very much on the lower notes.

With this Rahu/Ketu transit happening on 30th October 2023, Rahu will move to 3rd house of Pisces and Ketu transits to their 9th house ie Virgo..

For Capricorn Rasi natives will find life easier as compared to past 2-3 years. For the past 3 years , the Janam Sani (Saturn transit on the Moon sign- Sade Sati) which had caused difficulties in all spheres of your life. You had crossed the most challenging times.

Rahu which has transited to Pisces will bring a lot of goodness in way of successful initiatives for the Capricorn Rasi natives.

For those who experienced hurdles in getting married , will find these hurdles removed and will pave way for successful marriage

Those who had difficulties in conceiving will find that they become parents in the ensuing months

The academic performance of students belonging to this Rasi will improve tremendously and they will perform better in competitive exams , as compared to past years

This Rahu , for businessmen, will open up new ways and means to diversify their business initiatives and bring in new dimension of success

There will be occasions to visit places of pilgrimage because the connection of Ketu , Jupiter and Saturn being your Rasi lord will facilitate this.

Purchase of ornaments, house, and vehicle will become a reality

General luck factor will increase especially from middle of next year onwards.

Overall, this Rahu/Ketu transit will be beneficial for natives for natives of Capricorn Moon Sign

Rahu and Ketu, the shadow planets which has the ability to enforce changes to human life, is moving to its new abode on 30 th October 2023.

The transit of these planets happen once every 18 months. On 30 th October 2023, Rahu moves from the sign of Aires to Pisces and Ketu from Libra to Virgo sign. They will stay in these signs for the next 18 months.

For the native who are also on their favourable Maha Dasa, which is based on the birth time

Horoscope, will stand to gain maximum in the coming 18 months.

While Rahu is moving to the a very positive sign of Pisces, Ketu transits into Virgo where Ketu is very comfortable and because of these , generally the ill effects because of the serpentine planets will be very much on the lower notes.

With this Rahu/Ketu transit happening on 30th October 2023, Rahu will move to 2nd house of Pisces and Ketu transits to their 8th house ie Virgo..

Rahu will move to Pisces which is the 2nd house to your moon sign and Ketu will transit into Virgo which is the 8th house to your moon sign

For the Aquarius moon sign natives, the ongoing period is posing challenges as per the age of the native, because the transiting Saturn is on the Moon Sign ( Janma Sani of 7 ½ Saturn/Sani Diyya)

Students are distracted and are not able to concentrate and hence not very successful in competitive exams. Those who are on job are facing acute dissatisfaction as they are not being recognised for their work , unhealthy peer pressure leading to high level of stress and strain/frustration

The forth coming Rahu/Ketu transit is unlikely to help natives who have resigned their jobs without having another one at hand

The best advice is to hold on to whatever is available at present, as opportunities are not available in plenty.

You will have to try harder and repeatedly to accomplish even a small thing.

These are the situation making natives to understand the value of money and relationship.

One need to be careful in what /how we talk with others, especially with the spouse. Usage of harsh languages can prove detrimental for the relationship. Spouse health can be a matter of concern, therefore regular health check-ups is what is called for.

The time from May 2024 will be much better that what it is now especially for the people who are born in Dhanishta Star.

Rahu and Ketu, the shadow planets which has the ability to enforce changes to human life, is moving to its new abode on 30 th October 2023.

The transit of these planets happen once every 18 months. On 30 th October 2023, Rahu moves from the sign of Aires to Pisces and Ketu from Libra to Virgo sign. They will stay in these signs for the next 18 months.

For the native who are also on their favourable Maha Dasa, which is based on the birth time

Horoscope, will stand to gain maximum in the coming 18 months.

While Rahu is moving to the a very positive sign of Pisces, Ketu transits into Virgo where Ketu is very comfortable and because of these , generally the ill effects because of the serpentine planets will be very much on the lower notes.

Rahu will move to Pisces which is the 2nd house to your moon sign and Ketu will transit into Virgo which is the 8th house to your moon sign

Generally speaking, it is not highly favourable to have a malefic planet like Rahu in the Moon sign but in case of Pisces Moon Sign natives, there are 2 different advantages happening simultaneously which can reduce the ill effects of Rahu considerably.

Rahu was co placed with Jupiter (your Rasi Lord) in Aries till now reducing the strength of Jupiter. From October 30, 2023, Jupiter which was under the clutches of Rahu is liberated and can function with full power.

Secondly, the Pisces sign into which Rahu is transited is a very benefic sign and Rahu here will mellow down its bad qualities

Natives of Pisces Rasi will have good income .

Those who are searching for job will be rewarded and those who already have can expect getting good increment /bonus etc

For those in relationship will find themselves moving to next level which is “ proposing”

An advise to the people whose betrothal /marriage engagement is over, should get married at the earliest occasion and not to have lengthy courtship

Foreign travel will materialise and these travel will prove beneficial

Businessmen/traders will find their business flourish and the cash inflow increase from October 2023 to May 22024and taper down after that. It is wise to have some plan in place to ensure to hold optimum inventories to avoid over stocking.

Since there will be more finance /money at your disposal in the next 2-3 years, you should avoid being a spendthrift and save because starting 2025, you will also undergo challenging time because of the Sade Sati which will transit over your moon. So save for the rainy day

Overall the Rahu/Ketu transit will bring joy to the natives of Pisces Moon Sign

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