Vedic Astrology Consultation Services
Vedic Astrology Consultation Services
Vedic Astrology Consultation Services
Indian Traditional Vedic Astrology Classes Online
Indian Traditional Vedic Astrology Classes Online
Indian Traditional Vedic Astrology Classes Online
Rahu Ketu Transit 2023
Rahu Ketu Transit 2023
Rahu Ketu Transit 2023
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Impact on all Zodiac Signs
Impact on all Zodiac Signs
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About Us - Why Astro Tara astrological service ?

Kumar Coimbatore , the Astrologer has more than 20 years of experience in astrology, learnt Vedic Astrology under several gurus, offers various astrological services. Benefitted and satisfied clients in India and abroad. The services include,

More than 20 years of astrological experience in Traditional Vedic Astrology.

Prolific contributor in platforms such as Quora with around 2 Million content views with more 1000 followers.

Satisfied clients in India and abroad.

Astrology Consultation Services

Educational Astrology

Want to know what is best studies/career suited for your children as per his/her horoscope chart?  Astrological markers are present in the horoscope and can be identified through analysis.

A person’s interest and desires in pursuing a particular branch of study or involving himself/herself in a career or being an entrepreneur are decided the time a person is born. Astrology helps in choosing the right path of educational stream which can lead to a meaningful and successful career ahead.

Astrology can help in indicating level of success a person can achieve.

Career Astrology

Are you on the right profession? Which segment is best suited, Government or Private ?

In spite of best efforts and commitments, is your career stagnated?

Which suits you better? Being employed in homeland or far distant foreign countries?

Are you destined to get Permanent Residency status in a foreign country?

Astrology helps in choosing the right area of profession.

Astrology can help in indicating level of professional success a person can achieve and when.

Financial Astrology

Financial Astrology helps to know whether you will be rich?

Financial Astrology helps when you will have financial independence

Financial Astrology helps to know whether you will fall into a debt trap

Financial Astrology helps to know when you will get the money due to you

Astrology can help in indicating level of success a person can achieve and when. There are specific markers in one’s horoscope chart to indicate the chances and quantum of being rich and when.

Entrepreneur Astrology

Do you have the mental makeup of being an Entrepreneur, are you cut out for that ?

Are you in a dilemma on what business or start up you should venture into?

Do you want to know the level of courage and competitiveness you possess?

Do you want to know the right time to get in or get out of a business?

Foreign settlement (PR) Astrology

It’s a dream for many to be in a foreign country. There are specific indicators in one’s horoscope chart that show whether one will travel to foreign countries for various reasons like for study, for employment etc.

Some travel and come back to mother country after a specific period while some remain there for a long time .

Some even gets the PR in a foreign country!!!

Foreign settlement (PR) Astrology helps to indicate whether one will be successful in his/her endeavours in a foreign land

Shares/Stock trading Astrology

Safe guarding ones hard earned money is of prime importance. Appropriate time to invest in shares/stocks is the key to ensure higher returns

Shares/Stock trading Astrology helps to identify the right time to invest

Shares/Stock trading Astrology helps to identify the sector in which to invest

Shares/Stock trading Astrology helps to indicate ones success in this sphere

Astrology can help in indicating level of success a person can achieve and when. There are specific markers in one’s horoscope chart to indicate the chances and quantum of being successful and when.

Writing of Horoscope for children

Understanding and helping children to realise their dreams are the duties of the parents

Customised horoscope for children help parents to identify the pathway their children will travel and milestones in their life in general. Their attachment with parents, their studies and interest in life enables parents to look for these special attributes early in the childhood and can encourage them to assist and travel their chosen path

Relationship astrology for parents

Astrology can help parents by getting early signals whether their children are likely to be in toxic teenage relationships. Parents welfare and the quality of relationship with the parents are embedded in their children’s horoscope

Understanding that the children’s mental situation can change from time to time as per the planetary positions in their horoscope charts can help parents to enter their children’s ‘world’ and can  help them to tide over the rough patch. The success in competitive exams is heavily depended on this along with current transit positions of planets.

Non-traditional marriage Astrology

Astrology can identify the possibility of a person being in a relationship and marriage that is against tradition and culture.

Further, there are also pointers in astrology that indicate the success of such relationship in the long term.

Horoscope Matching for marriage

As per culture, horoscope matching of the groom and the bride to be assumes a greater significance. More often than not, the success of a marriage depends on the time period of solemnising the marriage.

The widely practised systems relevance is coming down day by day as specific tools are available in astrology for checking how much a horoscope adds value to the proposed spouse’s horoscope and the success rate of having a meaningful and long standing relationship.

Marital discords

Some time, one can end up in a sour marriage relationship for varied reasons. Astrology can help understand the possibility of reunion if any. It can also forewarn a possible discord that can happen in near future

Medical Astrology

Astrology can help to understand the disease prognosis and when a person can recover. Medical Astrology can indicate the likely time in near future when a person can fall sick therefore one can be more cautious

Success in Litigation

Astrological markers can point out ones chance of success in various litigations .

Ancestral wealth Astrology

There are some lucky people who are expected to receive ancestral wealth . Astrology can point out when one can expect to get the ancestral wealth and impediments if any.

Sports Astrology

What height a person can reach in the field of sports can be revealed by analyzing the birth chart of the person concerned.

Astrological remedies and Gems

Specific custom designed remedies for strengthening planets or appease a particular are advised through checking of Horoscope.

Online Traditional Vedic Astrology Classes

As adults, we understand concepts well through inter active discussions rather than mundane run of the mill, reading texts…

This course is aimed at participants to gain firm foundation starting from very basic fundamentals of Vedic astrology to equip each one to analyse ,interpret horoscopes and predict events using specific predictive tools for a higher degree of certainty in prediction

Even for middle level persons who has some prior knowledge of astrology (online or offline) , this would be a platform to understand and assimilate finer aspects of updated astrological predictive tools

Course Details

The course is scheduled to conclude in about 35-40 classes. Every Sunday online video class for about 2 hours disseminating information through Power Point interactive presentation.
  • Regular Self-assessment to check understanding
  • Participants will be given access to view the discussed topics online as many time as they want after the live sessions
  • Personal guidance

Topics Covered

Timing: 10 AM to 12 Noon on Sundays

Medium: English

Type: South Indian

Fee and other details available on request

Astro-Tara Blogs

2023 Rahu-Ketu Transit (Gochar) for Aries Moon Sign (Aswani, Bharani, Krittika Padam 1) MESHA RASI Rahu and Ketu, the shadow planets which …

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Kumar Coimbatore

Prolific contributor in Quora with around 2 Million content views with more 1000 followers

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